Responsive Webdesign
Drupal tools, techniques and best practices

In Kharkiv (or Kharkov if you feel more Russian) I gave a little prospect about my studies and work at a local fotocollege named Fotokolo. The students were more interested in my travel and photography than in my prepared lectures about "Tilt&Shift Lenses" and "Shooting and Editing using Camera RAW-formats".
In Ukraine I was invited to give a lecture at the Department of Media and Communications at Karazin's Kharkiv National University. My main focus was to tell the students about free software. For a practical approach I chose the subject "How to create small business websites with WordPress". I got my first Russian language "Diploma" for this volunteer lessons.
Colormanagement according to the ICC-Standard has become common for pre-press within the past years. This document is an investigation on previous approaches for Colormanagement within world wide web and analyses recommendations for Colormanagement of the W3C in the field of cross-media publishing using XML-based documents.