PHP and Drupal development
Ethereum PHP Library and Drupal module

Some of these NGOs are responsible to their members and looking forward to implement trusted workflows where their members can perform tasks like voting for boards, donations or on found spending. Using Ethereum Blockchain in the “semi-decentralized age” combined with Drupal I see a great potential implementing such workflows.
Full web app decentralisation is hard, it has limitations. I would like to explore semi-decentralisation of Ethereum dapps (decentralised apps) using Drupal.
One friend recently asked me if I can help him in Building a Web interface for his Blockchain based EthTweet system.
The Ethereum blockchain seems to be a promissing approach for futur decentralized webapplications. The Ethereum-Blockchain is a simmilar to the Bitcoin currency but includes the ability to include code – or in this case Tweets.