Wordpres and git - config tweaks

switch ( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] ) {
 case "caj.local" : /** Local Config **/
  define("DB_NAME", "<local databasename>");
  define("DB_USER", "<local username>");
  define("DB_PASSWORD", "<pass>");
  define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
 case "caj.donkeymedia.eu" :
  /** Testing Server Config **/
  define("DB_NAME", "<testing databasename>");
  define("DB_USER", "<testing username>");
  define("DB_PASSWORD", "<testing pass>");
  define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
 case "caj-koeln.de" :
  /** Life Config .... **/

Unban IP blocked by fail2ban

Login to the Server as root Use to and search for the banned ip. If you can't login: Try using a different IP. You may use you Mobile phone thetering. 

iptables -L -n

You'll get something like