Unban IP blocked by fail2ban

Login to the Server as root Use to and search for the banned ip. If you can't login: Try using a different IP. You may use you Mobile phone thetering. 

iptables -L -n

You'll get something like

Disable Update for Wordpress Plugin

add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', 'ap_remove_update_nag');
function ap_remove_update_nag($value) {
 unset($value->response[ plugin_basename(__FILE__) ]);
 return $value; 

Clear OS-X font cache

I did it again. Messed up something after installing font. So after removing duplicate fonts I need to clear the font cache. Its simple:

  • Close all running applications.
  • Type: sudo atsutil databases -remove into Terminal as Admin
  • Restart immediatly

This removes all font cache files. (system and all user font cache files)


How to remove the depreceated target="_blank" in Wordpress TinyMCE?

/** Creating custom :external selector **/
$.expr[':'].external = function(obj){
 return !obj.href.match(/^mailto\:/) && (obj.hostname != location.hostname); };
// Add 'external' CSS class to all external links.
$('a:external').bind('click', function(){
 open(this.href);  return false;


WORDPRESS: Add CSS to Tinymce Editor

if ( ! function_exists('tdav_css') ) {
 function tdav_css($wp) {
   $wp .= ',' . get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/css/tinymce.css'; return $wp;
add_filter( 'mce_css', 'tdav_css' );